This Concealed Carry Course is for anyone who is considering or already does carry a firearm. Whether you carry for personal defense or in a professional capacity, you will learn valuable, life-saving information!
This course is good for both beginners and experienced gun owners as we will review basic gun safety, ammunition, and other aspects of fundamental firearms material. For information regarding Concealed Carry Permits in Lehigh and Northampton Counties, check the links below.

At the end of this Concealed Carry Course, you will:
- Know the basics of Concealed Carry in PA and abroad
- Learn how to safely and effectively deploy, move, aim, and fire your handgun
- Understand how holster, firearm, and ammunition selection affects concealed carry
- Be introduced to scenarios that most gun owners never even consider regarding Liability and Use of Force (making them dangerous to themselves and others)
- Acknowledge the reality of self-defense with a concealed firearm
- Recognize the difference between COVER vs. CONCEALMENT
- Understand the concept of PRESERVATION before PRESENTATION